If you are dealing with eczema using conventional medicine, we know that they haven’t been able to find a permanent cure for eczema yet.

But what about using a holistic approach to eczema?

What does that exactly entail?


Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine is an alternative form of healing. It considers the whole person – mind, body, spirit, and emotions to determine the root cause.

Instead of looking at the symptoms, it asks why the individual is experiencing the symptoms to begin with.

Is something within the body causing eczema?

Is an external event causing a flare-up?

Or could it be many different factors?


1. It’s not a skin condition but multifactorial

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Conventional medicine treats eczema as a skin condition.

It’s only looking at the surface level and treating the symptoms with creams and pills.

Yet, holistic medicine shows that eczema is actually a multifactorial or multicausal condition.

As a result, the body is showing these issues through the largest organ of the body, the skin.\

This is an important distinction because we can begin to treat the different causes.

We can begin to heal the body from the inside out.

We no longer have to apply creams for the rest of our lives and take pills to suppress the symptoms.

By shifting our mindset to view eczema, not as a skin condition, we can begin to heal.

Allergies, Disease in Disguise by Carolee Bateson-Koch, ND states that eczema is multicausal.

It is caused by the following:

  • Maldigestion
  • Poor Food Choices
  • Systemic candidiasis
  • Nutrient Deficiencies
  • Imbalanced colon microflora
  • Food allergies, sensitivities, intolerances


Digestive Wellness, 5th Edition by Elizabeth Lipski, Ph.D., CCN, CHN says that eczema is multifactorial.

  • The list below is the main contributors along with low stomach acid:
  • Food allergies
  • Leaky gut syndrome
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Imbalance of intestinal flora
  • Multifactorial causes of Eczema
  • Environmental contaminants such as air pollution, tobacco smoke, food additives, synthetic chemicals

So now that we know eczema actually involves many different elements, what do we do now?

The easiest thing to do is to start cleaning up your diet. Start by removing sugar, refined, and processed foods.

Start consuming more fruits and veggies.

This new information might feel overwhelming.

This is why you should work with a Practitioner to guide you on your journey.

This is what a holistic approach to eczema looks like. It looks at everything, not just the skin.


2. It manifests in the gut

Keep your stomach healthy cartoon posters, diet
Image by upklyak on Freepik

Eczema is an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune disorders are when the body attacks its own tissues.

But how does one develop a condition like this?

Research has shown that a leaky gut may contribute to some autoimmune disorders.

An individual is more susceptible to a leaky gut when the intestinal lining is damaged.

This happens through steroidal and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol intake, gluten intolerance, refined diet, candidiasis, parasites, worms, and food allergies.

If the small intestines become weak, it allows large protein molecules to enter the bloodstream.

When this happens, the body reacts and makes antibodies to these foreign molecules.

Weak digestion and a leaky gut allow it into the blood as digested proteins.


So how can we heal leaky gut? Nutritional Solutions for 88 Conditions by David Rowland (this is an affiliate link) suggests the following:

  • Take digestive enzymes to overcome a weak digestive system
  • Cut all foods to which the person is allergic to until improvement of the skin
  • Heal the leaky gut

If you are looking to make changes today, the easiest thing you can do is start eating healthier. Kick your cravings for sugar first.

If you can start eliminating junk food, and processed and refined foods, you will be well on your way to healing.

There are of course other factors but because eczema is caused by many issues, we need to tackle them one at a time.

The holistic approach to eczema is a slow and steady process. But a long term effective solution over creams and pills.


3. Essential Fatty Acids

According to the Encyclopedia of Healing Foods by Michael Murray, ND, eczema patients have an essential fatty acid deficiency.

Omega 3 and 6 have anti-inflammatory properties which is why it’s beneficial for inflammatory conditions like eczema.

One of the easiest ways to increase healthy fats is to consume more organic wild-caught fish and flaxseed oil.

Flaxseed oil helps to decrease inflammation, help reduce edema (water retention) and enhance some functions of our immune system.


In the book Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill by Udo Erasmus, flaxseed can:

  • Improves liver function
  • Relieves some cases of asthma and allergies
  • Improve metabolism of calcium and other minerals
  • Fights infections such as staphylococcus and malaria
  • Contains ingredients with anti-viral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties
  • Be helpful for treating dry skin, dandruff, sun-sensitive skin, eczema, psoriasis

Some other sources of essential fatty acids are: fish, avocados, olives, chia/hemp/pumpkin/sunflower seeds.


Are You Ready For A Holistic Approach To Eczema?

Eczema is more than a skin condition, especially when it gets out of hand.

It makes life hard by affecting our mind, body, spirit, and emotions.

What we put in our bodies also affects our mind, body, and emotions.

The hardest but simplest thing you can do is focus on the foods you eat and the thoughts you consume.

Unfortunately, the media and our current lifestyle set us up for failure.

We are bombarded with visuals all around us to eat junk food.

When we start making changes to eat healthier there will be a lot of outside influences to deter us.

But if you want to heal your eczema, you need to ignore the noise around you.

Your mind and body are telling you through eczema that it’s time to make a change.


It’s time to try a holistic approach to eczema like the XZMA Healing Program.