Do you really know what causes eczema to flare-up? What does your Doctor say? He might not even tell you about the five I’m about to tell you from my own experience and education.
They may even dismiss one or all five. Side not and true story, my Doctor said nutrition doesn’t play a factor…
But eczema flare-ups can be caused by many things. It’s not as simple to label it as a skin condition.
There are many factors to consider. A stressful situation, a skin irritant, or something you ate can cause you to flare up.
Many different events over the course of an individual’s life can lead to flare-ups too. But below are the 5 truthful secrets I wanted to share with you.

1. Genetic predisposition

Researchers have found strong evidence that genetic factors can cause one to develop eczema. The risk of children developing eczema is 2-3x higher if one of the parents has had it in the past.
It doesn’t matter which of the parent had eczema or which areas of the body they developed it.
So if you don’t know, this is the time to do a little bit of digging and talk to your family members.
See how common eczema or skin-related conditions are in your lineage. Depending on your genes, this is could be the cause of your eczema flare-ups.
Knowing this is an important piece of your healing journey. Because if it’s in your genes, it doesn’t mean that you can’t manage or heal your eczema.
The chances of it going away forever are low, but there are ways you can manage it to a point where it’s nonexistent.
You may have an eczema flare-up every now and then. But, as you begin to heal your skin, the severity and the length of the flare-up will decrease.
You’ll also know how to bounce back quicker.

2. Stress

If someone asks you, “what causes eczema to flare-up?”, tell them it’s most likely stress.

We’ve heard a million times that stress is bad for us. We know that stress causes a lot of health problems for millions of people worldwide.
Sometimes eczema flare-ups come out of nowhere or sometimes the flare-ups get worse.
Most of the time, people are unable to pinpoint the cause of their eczema flare-ups.
Yet, several studies have shown that stress exacerbates eczema. Individuals reported that being exposed to stress caused their flare-ups to get worse.
With stress coming at us in many different ways, it’s important to become self-aware.
By understanding our own emotions and triggers, we can learn to manage our stress levels.
If you know something stressful is coming up, this is where you should schedule a time to de-stress.
But the key here is to take the time to understand what situations stress you out.
A good exercise to figure this out is to write things, situations, and moments that stress you out.
Then find an activity that will help you balance it out. For example working out, going for a walk, yoga, taking a bath, playing games, and talking to family & friends.
Psstttt…activity idea for you…write down for you, what you think, what causes eczema to flare-up in your life.
See if you can find a pattern. 

3. Nutrition

After being diagnosed with eczema 20 years ago, my Doctor said that there was no correlation between nutrition and my skin.
Boy, were they wrong. Research has found that the rate of eczema is continuously increasing in industrialized countries.
Why? Because as we lead a more comfortable life, our diet and lifestyle are changing fast.
Studies have found that adults who have more meat, instant noodles, processed foods, and soda in their diet were associated with an increase in eczema.
But what in these foods is making eczema worse? Processed foods have a host of chemicals, synthetics, and additives.
These extra ingredients make them last longer on supermarket shelves and add flavour.
When our body has to constantly digest these toxins, it takes a toll and that’s when things start going south.
So what we can learn from this one study?
That by focusing on whole foods, you can decrease eczema flare-ups.
You can even start to reverse and heal your eczema by consuming whole foods.
The nutrients from whole foods provide the building blocks for the body to repair and heal.
Processed foods may be convenient and cheap, but it lacks the basic nutrients to support your body.

4. Emotions

Who would have thought that emotions are what causes eczema to flare-up?!

Are you always anxious? Or irritated? Do you have a temper?
Having to deal with eczema alone is a tall order.
Don’t be too hard on yourself and remember to show compassion towards yourself.
But is there a correlation between your emotions and eczema?
Researchers have found that eczema patients were angry quicker but were less likely to express themselves, more anxious, and less assertive.
If this is new information to you, work with a therapist on how to manage and express your emotions.
By learning about yourself, you have the power to manage your flare-ups.
Learn to release your emotions through journaling or talking with someone.
Bottling up emotions can cause flare-ups because your body needs to do something with that energy.
If you aren’t able to express it verbally, your body will express it for you, through your skin.

5. Topical Steroids

Yes, you read that right.
The very medication you are using is what causes eczema to flare-up. But how?
Because in these moments, we are suppressing our immune system.
We disconnect our minds and body from regulating themselves.
My body forgot how to regulate, repair, and heal its skin on its own.
In the short term, there is no denying that it is effective. It’s so good that I needed to use it every day one point in my life.
It became a crutch. My body and skin both depended on it.
Every time I used it, my skin needed more of it each time. This dependency can lead to topical steroid withdrawal.

So how do I manage my eczema flare-ups?

The first thing you need to do is change your mindset.
This won’t be a quick fix. But, it’s truly a worthwhile endeavor.
Once you commit to at least 6-12 months of healing, you will be well on your way to managing your eczema.
I would first focus on nutrition. By eating a predominantly whole foods plant-based diet, you will give your body the nutrients it needs to repair and heal itself.
Nutrition will also support the next thing you need to work on, managing your stress levels.
Stress is unavoidable. We need to learn how to manage it and how to recover from it.
When you are always stressed, your body actually requires more nutrients to sustain itself. This is why focusing on nutrition first is key.
Make sure to incorporate activities that you enjoy to help you with your stress.
Colouring, drawing, going for a drive, and playing your favourite instrument can help you.

So What Causes Eczema To Flare-Up For You?

It can be any one of these things, one through five. A combination of them. Or one of them.

Maybe even something else not on this list. But these are the most common ones.

If you can master these five one at a time, over time, your eczema will get better.

For me, it’s actually all five!

But over different periods of my life.

Sometimes it was stress. Sometimes it was my poor nutrition.

Sometimes it was both.

Most of the time though, I just needed someone to understand me and my journey.

Understand me for what I was going through.

I just needed a little bit of extra support, motivation, and compassion.

Because on the eczema journey, I felt alone.

And that’s why I created the XZMA Healing Program.

Just for me and just for you.

A 1:1 coaching program to help you heal your skin and learn to manage your flare-ups.

Think of it like a personal training program but for your skin!

Don’t sit there wondering and asking yourself “what causes eczema to flare-up?”. Find out! Ask yourself!

Work with a Skin Health Coach like me through the XZMA Healing Program and stop suffering.

See you on the other side my friend!

P.S. ^ that means to book a 30min free consultation with me here.

P.S.S. Trust me, you won’t regret it!